Sunday, August 9, 2015

Through Hell's Gates for those Left Behind (September 2015): Grace Perio...

Wake Up Call! Are You One Of The Few That Will Make It

"Super Typhoon Soulelor Crashes China And Taiwan" 14 Dead

First Look Texas Shooting. The 5th Angel is Coming.

August 9th Illuminati Freemason Symbolism. Nagasaki and Hiroshima Annive...

Homeland Security confirms incoming Asteroid

                                       The video is gone here is what it said:                                     Yesterday morning I received an email from a subscriber who said her Dad has high security
clearance at DHS and he came home and told the family he saw documents that said an asteroid
is about to hit or come very close to the earth, close enough to cau
se almost as much damage. He
said they've known about this for a long time. He said Jade Helm was in preparations for after
the asteroid. If you recall, the Lord told me the same thing about JH. She doesn't want to be
named, and after the beating I've taken from my video on this: Homeland Security confirms
incoming Asteroid, I understand. I checked her Google Plus page and as far back as it would let
me go, I found her to be Christlike in all her posts. So, after exchanging a number of emails with
her, I have felt this story she is telling me is truthful. However, that is all I can say because I've
not seen documents or anything to back her up. I believe her myself. Her story was exact with
what the Lord told
me. My spirit did not tell me not to believe her so I felt comfortable with her
story. You can believe it or not, that is up to you. I'm just passing along info that could help you
to prepare. If you don't believe it, that's up to you and you have lost nothing.                                                                                                                                         From a Sister in Christ.

Monday, August 3, 2015

It's the Final Countdown - 50 days and counting!!!

Threat Actors: Cybersecurity Firm Is Tracking Hashtags On Social Media

Nuclear Power Plant Incident Imminent? FEMA Drill Amongst Shutdowns

Freemasons..Revenge of the Fallen

Meet the top politicians being paid to make GMO labeling illegal

Video with shocking admission of ‘born alive’ babies scares Planned Pare...

A True Youtube Conspiracy To Shut Down And Frame DarkSkyWatcher Observatory

The Edge of Human Extinction Now!

Scientists Warn Of Super Charged GMO's

Faultline - Matthew 22:41-46

Obama The Anti Christ Will Be Shot!! (According To Scripture) 2015

Sunday, August 2, 2015

"Who's Listening" - "By 9/23 the Day of the Lord shall be upon you!"

What Does The Illuminati Know About September 2015 That We Don't?


North Carolina To Eliminate Free Speech Obama Takes Control Of All Food


Breaking News: Aug. 02 , 2015 A New Intafada Brewing for Israel.


Confirmation. Jesus the Millstone and End time Virus are coming. Illumin...

CERN: Pandora's Box Edition..Mission Possible Edit

Legionnaires Disease Spreading Rapidly Kentucky Hospital Lockdown Update

Russian Missile Attack, Deliverance, Destroyed Chicago and Internet Down...