Tuesday, May 4, 2010


I Definition and Description
  (A)The Holy Spirit indwells the body of the Church Age believer at the moment of Salvation (I Cor. 6:19-20; 3:16)
  (B)The indwelling of the Spirit is one of the seven ministries of the Holy Spirit at salvation, six of which are permanent; one temporal.
  (C)The other six ministries of the Holy Spirit that we receive at salvation are:
    (1)Efficacious grace;
    (4)Spiritual Gifts;
    (5)Filling of the Holy Spirit;
    (6)Baptism of the Spirit
  (D)The purpose of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit is to provide a temple in the body of every Church Age believer for the indwelling of Jesus Christ and for the cleansing of that temple to make it a fit habitation for the Shekinah Glory of our Lord Jesus Christ as well as a fit habitation for God the Father.
  (E)The body of the believer in Jesus Christ provides the continuity for God the Son being the Shekinah Glory in every dispensation. In the Dispensation of Israel, He indwelt the Holy of Holies in the Temple in Jerusalem. In the Dispensation of the Hypostatic Union, He walked among mankind and was seen by tens of thousands.
    (1)There are no sacred buildings, built by man in the Church Age. The only sacred building in history was the temple in Jerusalem which belonged to Israel and was destroyed in 70 A.D.
    (2) God the Holy Spirit makes sacred buildings out of our bodies and in the Omnipresence of all three members of the Godhead they indwell the temples of our bodies from the moment of salvation until physical death.
  (F) The indwelling of the Holy Spirit is a sign of the royal family status which we possess (another unique feature of believers in the Church Age), which is superior to being in the family of God as were believers in past dispensations. In the Millennium, all believers are filled with the Holy Spirit but no millennial believer is indwelt by the Holy Spirit.
  (G) Believers in the Old Testament were endued or empowered by the Holy Spirit for the acquittance of certain missions or functions and it was strictly temporary. No Old Testament believer was ever indwelt and none had the Filling of the Holy Spirit. Obviously, we live in the most fortunate and blessed of the dispensations.
  (H) King David experienced enduement of the Holy Spirit on several occasions but would then be removed. In Psm. 51:11 he appealed to God the Father, “Take not Your Spirit from me.”