Sunday, June 27, 2010


     The soul must be distinguished from the human spirit.

            A.Originally man (the created man: Adam) was trichotomous, having been created with a body, soul and human spirit Gen. 2:7

            B.After the fall, man is born dichotomous, having only a body and soul, I Cor. 2:14; Jude 19

            C.The believer, however, is said to have a body, soul and spirit, I Thes 5:23.  The human spirit is regenerated by God the Holy Spirit at the point of salvation.

         Only the soul, not the body, is saved at regeneration
                                     Psm. 19:7; 34:22; Mark 8:36-37; I Pet 1:9; Heb. 10:39

            A.Therefore, there is no “healing in the atonement.” The body is not saved because the old sin nature still resides there.  In eternity, the soul is given a perfect body minus the old sin nature therefore assuring that the eternal body and soul are incapable of both sin and human good.

            B.To have a soul, human spirit and a resurrection body is strictly the result of grace, which is God’s plan.

            C.Those in eternity who glorify God will be those who had maximum Bible doctrine in their souls in time.

1.Only the soul, not the body, was made in the image of God. Gen. 1:26-27 cf Gen. 2:7.  God is not material but spiritual.

2.The soul is the area of the worst sins which are mental attitude sins, Job 21:25; Zech. 11:8

            A.The content of the soul is seen when a person speaks.  What you truly are is revealed when you speak.

            B.Sins of the tongue reveal mental attitude sins. If you are beset by feelings of guilt, if you are arrogant, bitter, or are seeking revenge, involved in sins of anger, hatred, jealousy and envy, you will speak in such a manner that your mental attitude sins are revealed.

            C.Therefore, the soul is the launching pad of all overt sins as well as sins of the tongue.

3.The soul becomes the seat of misery because of scar tissue of the soul, Psm. 6:3; 106:15; 119:25, 28, 81

4.The soul is the area for all capacities, good and bad. The mature believer in time, has maximum capacity for life, love and happiness. However, the reversionistic believer, residing in the cosmic system, has maximum capacity for sin, human good, evil and self-induced misery.

4. In physical death, the soul departs from the body as documented in Job 38:8; Psm. 16:10; II Cor. 5:8.

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