Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Doctrine Of The SOUL

Definition and Background

A. Speaking to the real or inner man the term psuche is used for both soul and mind.
B. A related noun, pneuma always refers to the human spirit.
C. The distinction between the two nouns is noted in Heb. 4:12.

 The essence of the soul

A. Self-consciousness. Man is aware of his own existence and is able to relate to both animate and inanimate life on earth (Acts 20:10. Animals have consciousness but not self-consciousness.
B. Mentality: Self-consciousness is no good without mentality. This is the thinking part of man and is composed of two parts
    1. The mind or left lobe of the soul.
    2.The heart or right lobe of the soul contains the frame of reference, memory center, vocabulary and categorical knowledge storage, norms and standards and the launching pad for application of knowledge to life.
    3. Rom. 1:20-22 and Prov. 19:2 teach that all thought originates in these two lobes. The soul is the source of all basic sin. It is the battleground between the Old Sin Nature and the Holy Spirit Matt. 10:28; Eph. 4:17-19; Psm 143
C.Volition: Man has the ability to be negative or positive to anything in life. This is why man was created to resolve the Angelic conflict.
D. Emotion: Luke 12:19 – This is the appreciator of the soul. Emotion responds or reacts to whatever thoughts are in the soul. Normally, the emotion is dominated by the right lobe of the soul. When it is not, is when you find emotional revolt of the soul with man engaging in all manner of emotional outlet without application of intellect. You find emotion run amok in
E.Conscience: This is the evaluator of the soul. It contains the norms and standards Acts 24:16.
F. The old sin nature: is not a part of the soul. It is genetically formed in every cell of the body. It battles for control of the soul through sin, human good and evil. Because we have an OSN, we are said to be totally depraved. Without Bible Doctrine resident in the soul, you tend to run loose with your old sin nature’s area of strength an link this activity to pride. Therefore, you use your mentality to say that you are something that you are not. You set up your system of standards and compare yourself to others to further your pride.