Tuesday, April 6, 2010


The answer to Satan’s appeal is twofold: The perfect and eternal character of God cannot be unfair or prejudiced and cannot pass a false or unjust sentence.
 The negative volition of Satan and all fallen angels demands punishment from the perfect righteousness and justice of God. The soul of angels contained a super intellect for they are much smarter than we are. They had a clear understanding of God’s provision for them to have fellowship with Him forever and yet they rejected this fantastic provision.
 To demonstrate the perfection of divine justice and the fairness of God’s sentence to all fallen angels, God created man and simultan-eously the principle of human history; the new creature experiment.
 To resolve the angelic conflict, a creature called man, was created inferior to the angels and confined to planet earth. Hence, planet earth is the arena or courthouse for the historical extension of the angelic conflict.
 Man possesses one thing in common with the angelic creatures: he has a similar soul which contains a rational mind and free will or volition (Ps 8:3-5; Heb 2:7) The volitional test of mankind duplicates the volitional test of angels, to-wit:  Human volition and angelic volition are tested in exactly the same manner;  The conditions of prehistoric times have been reproduced in the history of mankind. Human history, coterminous with Satan’s trial provides the same circumstances and the same options that belonged to angelic creatures in eternity past. The function of human history demonstrates the fairness of God’s sentence.
 Mankind was created as a lower creature to duplicate the conditions of the prehistoric angelic conflict and thereby provide evidence, arguments, and precedence for the appeal trial of Satan in the courtroom of planet earth.
 God created both angels and humans in status quo perfection and innocence. Mankind was created perfect and given perfect environment. Then man, operating on negative volition revolted against God, causing Satan to again become ruler of planet earth (Jn 12:31; 14:30; 16:11; II Cor 4:4; Eph 2:2) Although Satan became again the ruler over planet earth, he did not gain control over the volition of mankind. Although Man is born spiritually dead, this does not preclude his power of decision implemented by the ministry of God the Holy Spirit in common and efficacious Grace.
 The negative volition of Satan in the Garden of God resulted in the fall of angelic creatures. The negative volition of Adam in the Garden of Eden led to the parallel fall of mankind. Man followed the exact same pattern as found in Satan’s revolution.
 God provided a grace salvation or deliverance of some manner for all angels, so that non-meritorious volition could deliver those who were positive. The exact nature of this salvation option is not revealed in scripture. We only know there was a division between elect and fallen angels. God also provided in human history eternal salvation for all mankind based on faith alone in Christ alone and His efficacious saving work on the Cross.
 As a result, both categories of creatures are similarly divided today. Angelic creatures are divided into two main categories; elect and fallen (Heb 2:2; Rev. 12:7). Mankind is divided into two categories; believers and unbelievers, saved and unsaved (Jn3:18, 36).