Of these forty free gifts, thirty nine are permanent, irrevocable, eternal gifts from which you can never be separated. One gift is temporal and is dependent upon the individual believer’s volition as to when this gift is engaged. The temporary or volition-dependent gift is:
The first free gift is the filling of the Holy Spirit is received at the moment of Salvation (Gal. 3:3) but is revoked upon the occurrence of a personal sin on the part of the believer. This can be a sin of the tongue (gossip, lying, slandering, bearing false witness, etc.), mental attitude sin (anger, fear, worry, judging, lust of any kind, hatred, vindictiveness, implacability, etc.) or an overt sin (stealing, adultery, fornication, assault, etc).
Then, there are the rest of the free gifts, the thirty nine permanent, irrevocable and immutable gifts that are ours forever.