Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Victories in the great Conflict

 The Tactical victory in the Angelic Conflict The strategic victory of the angelic conflict in history is our Lord’s humanity being judged for our sins on the Cross. In the dispensation of the Hypostatic Union, Satan did everything in his power to destroy the humanity of Christ through temptation, attempted assassination, and to keep him from reaching the Cross; in all of these efforts, he failed. The saving work of Christ on the Cross destroyed all of the works of the devil (1Jn 3:8). “The person who keeps on doing the sin (unbelief - Jn 16:9) is from the devil because the devil has sinned from the beginning; and for this purpose, the Son of God has been revealed that He might destroy the works of the devil.”  The result of our Lord’s strategic victory on the Cross is the Church Age and the creation of a royal family of God (that’s us!) designed for tactical victory over Satan. The tactical victory of the Church Age believer occurs through spiritual advance. This is most simply expressed as “growing in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.”  
  The same divine power available to our Lord’s humanity during the dispensation of the Hypostatic Union (a theological term for “Perfect Humanity and Undiminished Deity in one Person forever”) for his strategic victory is now available to every believer of the Church Age for the tactical victory of the great power experiment of this dispensation.  The issues: Will mankind, created inferior to the angels but equipped with the same free will (volition) choose for or against the salvation work of Christ on the Cross?  Will believers choose to hear the teaching of the word of God on a consistent basis, so that their defensive position against Satan is fortified with knowledge of our portfolio of invisible assets? Will Believers understand and use problem solving devices and execute divine mandates through the circulation of Bible Doctrine through the stream of consciousness of their souls by means of the filling of the Holy Spirit?  Out of these issues (questions) come the following principles, to-wit: If even one member of the human race is saved through faith alone in Christ alone, then Satan’s appeal is invalid, null and void.  If even one believer in the human race executes the protocol plan of God by growing in grace and knowledge of our Lord during the Church Age, Satan’s appeal is denied and the sentence to eternity in the lake of fire passed in eternity past will be executed at the end of human history.  The tactical victory of every Church Age Believer guarantees the divine judgment of Satan and all fallen angels which will be executed at the termination of human history (Mt. 25:41; Rev. 20:10). The ultimate victory celebration will be operation footstool (Ps. 110:1; I Cor. 15:24-25; Heb. 1:13 & 10:13; Eph. 1:22 “He has subordinated all categories [angelic creatures] under his feet)   Operation Footstool is the ultimate triumph of our Lord Jesus Christ in Hypostatic Union. It is a triumph over fallen angels, including Satan, and is a very important part of the historical extension of the Angelic Conflict. Operation footstool has two phases, one at each end of the Millennium, to-wit:  At the Second Advent of Christ, following the tribulation which is characterized by extensive demon activity;  After the Gog revolution at the end of the millennium, Satan’s last revolt at the end of human history  In Isa 66:1, Jesus Christ speaks as the God of Israel. “Heaven is My throne and earth is My Footstool.”  “But I say to you, make no oath at all, neither by heaven, for it is the throne of God {the Son}, nor by earth, for it is the footstool of his feet, nor toward Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great king.” In other words, don’t use profanity or take an oath by heaven. You have no right to do so, for that’s the throne of God the Son. This is a reference to the triumph of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Angelic Conflict. Our Lord will rule from Jerusalem as His headquarters during his 1,000 year reign on earth. (Zech 14)  Acts 7:48-50 says, “However, the Most High {Jesus Christ as the God of Israel} does not dwell in a house made with human hands. As the prophet says (Isa 66:1), “Heaven is my throne; the earth is the footstool of my feet. What kind of a house will you build for me? Says the Lord. Was it not My hand which made all things?”  This refers to the Church Age when Jesus Christ, the Shekinah Glory, no longer lives in sacred buildings, i.e. tabernacles and temples. This message was given in Jerusalem where the Temple still stood.  Heaven is His throne because he is seated at the right hand of the Father. Earth is the footstool of His feet, for His feet shall stand in that day on the Mount of Olives at the Second Advent (Zech 14:4)